Sekapur Sirih oleh Laila Rahmah

Sekapur Sirih oleh Laila Rahmah

Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Alhamdulillahi rabbil’alamin assholatuwassalamu’ala asyrofil ambiya’i wal mursalin, wa’ala alihi wasahbihi ajmain Amma ba’du

Selamat siang, salam 24 jam, dan salam sejahtera bagi kita semua.

Yang terhormat His Excellency, Bapak Ronny Prasetyo Yuliantoro, Duta Besar Luar Biasa dan Berkuasa Penuh KBRI Tehran merangkap Turkmenistan dan seluruh jajaran KBRI Tehran
Yang kami Hormati Kolonel Laut Teknik Hariyanto, Atase Pertahanan Republik Indonesia di Tehran
Yang kami Hormati Bapak Dimas Prasetyo Wibowo, Pelaksana Fungsi Penerangan, Sosial dan Budaya.
Yang kami hormati Saudara Hamzah Assuudy Lubis, Koordinator Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia se-Dunia.

Yang kami hormati Saudari Siti Amaliah, Koordinator PPI Dunia Kawasan Timur Tengah dan Afrika

Tidak kalah penting Para tamu undangan kami: Himpunan Pelajar Indonesia (HPI) Iran, Kerukunan Keluarga Sulawesi (KKS) Iran, Gusdurian Tehran, Korps Alumni HMI (KAHMI) Iran, dan PCIM Iran.
Dan yang kami banggakan seluruh peserta Pelantikan IPI Iran periode 2024-2025 yang hadir.

Pertama-tama marilah kita panjatkan puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT yang telah melimpahkan rahmat dan karunianya sehingga kita bisa berkumpul dalam acara pelantikan Pengurus IPI Iran Periode 2024-2025. Sholawat serta salam semoga tetap tercurahkan kepada Baginda Rasulullah SAW yang telah membawa kita dari jalan kegelapan menuju jalan yang terang benderang.

Atas nama segenap pengurus dan keluarga besar IPI Iran saya menghaturkan terima kasih atas kesediaan Bapak/Ibu dan Teman-teman yang telah meluangkan waktunya untuk hadir dalam acara siang ini.

Pada kesempatan yang berbahagia ini saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih atas kepercayaan yang diberikan kepada saya untuk memimpin IPI Iran untuk periode 2024-2025. Harapannya di periode kepengurusan ini IPI Iran bisa lebih maju dan aktif di berbagai aspek dan meningkatkan kolaborasi dengan bermacam organisasi baik nasional maupun internasional.

Hadirin yang saya hormati.
Proses kepengurusan dalam IPI Iran harus tetap berjalan dalam melakukan regenerasi baik untuk melanjutkan tongkat estafet kepengurusan IPI Iran maupun untuk mencetak Sumber Daya Manusia yang bermanfaat bagi bangsa.

Komitmen, kerja keras dan tanggung jawab pengurus adalah modal utama untuk menggerakan organisasi, untuk bisa menjadi yang lebih baik. Dalam hal perjuangan ke depan, kita juga tidak boleh melupakan apa yang telah dilakukan oleh pengurus-pengurus IPI Iran terdahulu. Perjuangan-perjuangan mereka harus kita apresiasi karena tanpa mereka proses pengurusan dan perjuangan akan berhenti di sini.

Mungkin perjuangan mereka akan sangat berbeda dengan apa yang terjadi sekarang. Namun, kepengurusan kali ini InsyaAllah secara garis besar akan saya terapkan dalam 3 poin. Pertama: Pendidikan dan pengajaran, kedua: Penelitian dan Pengembangan, dan Ketiga: Pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Atau biasa disebut Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi.

Mengapa penting Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi harus kita aplikasikan? Karena di Iran mayoritas WNI dan Diaspora adalah Pelajar atau Mahasiswa. Jadi, sudah seyogyanya pelajar di Iran berorganisasi dengan cara mengaplikasikan hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan pengembangan dan menggali potensi kita sebagai pelajar di luar negeri dan hal tersebut sangat berhubungan dengan tujuan pendidikan kita di Indonesia.

Selain itu, IPI Iran memiliki potensi besar dalam mempersatukan visi dan tekad para Pelajar Indonesia di Iran dan Dunia. Terutama dalam hal, untuk berperan aktif dalam mencapai Visi Indonesia Emas 2045.

Lebih luas lagi IPI Iran juga bisa, melakukan berkolaborasi internasional, menjalin jaringan interprofessional, dan bertukar ide dengan sesama pelajar dari berbagai negara, melalui Forum Musyawarah atau dikenal dengan SIMPOSIUM. SIMPOSIUM ini digelar setiap tahunnya di setiap negara yang dipilih sebagai penyelenggara. Salah satu tujuannya adalah pemilihan calon Koordinator PPI Dunia dan PPIDK Timtengka. Dan kebetulan tahun ini untuk SIMPOSIUM PPIDK Timtengka diselenggarakan di Mesir dan untuk PPI Dunia di Budapest (Hongaria). Di forum tersebut IPI Iran akan dibahas problem-problem yang dihadapi oleh seluruh Pelajar Indonesia di luar negeri dan juga problem apa yang dihadapi Bangsa kita saat ini, diantaranya Ekonomi, Hukum, Sains, Teknologi dan lain-lain. Dan juga posisi kita sebagai pelajar di luar negeri bagaimana cara menyelesaikan problem tersebut berdasarkan latar belakang keilmuan masing-masing.

Oleh karena itu, sesuai dengan nama kabinet kami yaitu aktif, solutif, eskalatif, bersinergis dan inklusif. Marilah kita sebagai pengurus IPI Iran untuk mensukseskan organisasi ini dengan cara berkolaborasi, bekerja sama, dan saling membantu. Kita mulai dari mempersolid internal seluruh jajaran pengurus IPI Iran periode 2024-2025 dan menggandeng Alumni IPI Iran (InsyaAllah tahun ini kita bentuk) sehingga kita bisa bergerak nyata di lapangan.

Demikian dari saya. Terima kasih banyak atas perhatiannya.
Akhirul kalam,

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wr.
4 April 2024

Beyond GDP: Is Futures Literacy Important for Indonesia?

Beyond GDP: Is Futures Literacy Important for Indonesia?

Mehdi Muhammad Hakim
Grade 11, Tehran International School (TIS), Tehran, Iran.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has been an essential indicator of a country’s economic status for many years. Indonesia and many other countries have incorporated it into their national vision. As part of its Golden Indonesia vision, the Indonesian Ministry of National Development Planning (26/9/2017) aims to boost its GDP and become the world’s fourth-largest economy by 2045.

There is a growing debate over whether GDP accurately reflects a country’s level of growth and development or exposes economic disparities between its affluent and underprivileged citizens. GDP measures the value of finished goods and services produced within a country during a specific time. It provides an economic snapshot that gauges its economy’s size and growth rate. To obtain a more comprehensive understanding, the calculation of GDP involves three primary factors—expenditures, production, and income—with adjustments made for inflation and population. Otherwise, GDP has flaws, as it needs to account for the wealth gap. It focuses on wealth concentration but ignores income distribution, leading to inequality and negatively impacting social policy and democracy.

Amartya Sen, a Nobel Prize-winning economist, has voiced his concerns about GDP being a measure of a country’s well-being. He argues that GDP fails to account for essential aspects of human development, such as injustice, social exclusion, and political freedoms. According to Sen, a more comprehensive measure of well-being should consider disparities in income, education, healthcare, and other social indicators. To address these criticisms, he has developed alternative measures of well-being, including the Human Development Index (HDI). The HDI incorporates factors like life expectancy, education, and income to provide a more holistic view of human development, unlike GDP, which only provides a narrow view.

Sen is clear that GDP, while important, is a limited measure of a country’s progress. He proposes a more comprehensive approach to measuring welfare that is imperative to ensure that economic growth translates into tangible improvements in people’s lives. Although Sen’s views provide an essential contribution regarding HDI, especially the education aspect, which complements the shortcomings in measuring prosperity with GDP, his view needs to pay further attention to the role of youth in developing the future of the nation and state. Futures Literacy development has yet to include this factor as an essential criterion.

According to UNESCO, a nation’s education system must now include future Literacy as a critical component since 2012. Futures Literacy refers to a person’s ability to understand and prepare for future trends and developments, in addition to traditional literacy skills like reading and writing. This means that a country’s youth must be able to perceive and anticipate the future to succeed. Therefore, Futures Literacy should be considered an essential factor in a country’s HDI.

For several reasons, Futures Literacy and the youth are critical to a country’s national development. First, young people often bring new and innovative ideas with their fresh perspectives and high energy levels. They are more willing to challenge the status quo and strive for positive change. Second, they represent the nation’s future and aim to shape a better tomorrow. Third, a country’s future challenges in the next few years may differ from today’s. Future challenges are often complex, ambiguous, disruptive, not linear, and not continuous with the past and present. Therefore, they require the ability to think imaginatively, always process data, and think critically about domestic, regional, and global dynamics.

The youth’s imagination about the nation and state is closely related to their involvement in national development. When young people have a positive and forward-thinking imagination about their country, they are more likely to participate actively in activities that contribute to its development. These activities include volunteering, entrepreneurship, civic engagement, and advocacy for social causes.

As a Diaspora Indonesian High School Student, we are proud and welcome what the Indonesian government promotes in the “Golden Indonesia 2045 Vision”, which targets Indonesia to become the world’s fourth most considerable economic power.

To achieve economic growth, it is imperative to prioritize the development of education and human resources, particularly concerning the younger generation. Failing to consider this aspect could render achieving better economic growth unattainable or, worse yet, have negative repercussions. Notably, economists such as Sen are concerned with the increasing gap between the rich and poor in numerous countries across the globe.

Including Futures Literacy in the primary education curriculum is essential to equip upcoming generations with the necessary skills to contribute meaningfully to society’s economic power. Prioritizing education and human resource development alongside GDP growth, particularly for the younger generation, is essential. Neglecting this aspect could make it impossible to achieve better economic growth or, worse, could produce adverse effects. Therefore, Futures Literacy must become an integral part of national education in Indonesia today.